What Do Our Sense Do?


  • Our senses are essential tools that help us perceive and understand the world around us.
  • They provide us with information about our environment, enabling us to interact with it effectively.
  • In this discussion, we will explore the five main senses and their functions.
  1. Vision (Sight):
  • Vision is the sense that allows us to see and interpret the world through our eyes.
  • The eye captures light and sends signals to the brain, which processes the information into images.
  • Vision helps us navigate our surroundings, identify objects, and perceive colors and shapes.
  1. Hearing (Audition):
  • Hearing is the sense that allows us to perceive sound through our ears.
  • Our ears detect vibrations in the air, and the brain processes these vibrations as sounds.
  • Hearing helps us communicate, detect danger, and enjoy music and other auditory experiences.
  1. Taste (Gustation):
  • Taste is the sense that allows us to detect different flavors through our taste buds on the tongue.
  • Taste helps us identify and enjoy various foods, but it also plays a role in detecting potential toxins.
  1. Smell (Olfaction):
  • Smell is the sense that allows us to perceive scents and odors through our nasal passages.
  • Our sense of smell can evoke memories, alert us to dangers, and influence our overall perception of the world.
  1. Touch (Tactile Sense):
  • Touch is the sense that enables us to feel pressure, temperature, and texture through our skin.
  • It provides essential information about our environment, allowing us to interact with objects and people safely.


  • Our senses are fundamental to our daily lives and help us make sense of the world.
  • They work together to provide us with a comprehensive understanding of our surroundings.
  • Understanding how our senses function is crucial for appreciating the richness of our experiences and ensuring our safety and well-being.

Let’s practice!