Identify vague pronoun references

Key notes:

  • Pronouns: Words that take the place of nouns to avoid repetition. Common examples include he, she, it, they, this, that, and these.
  • Purpose: Pronouns are used to simplify sentences and make them less repetitive.

  • Vague Pronoun Reference: Occurs when a pronoun is used, but it is unclear which noun the pronoun is referring to. This can lead to confusion for the reader.


  • Vague: When Sarah and Emily went to the store, she bought some apples.
    (Unclear whether “she” refers to Sarah or Emily.)

  • Look for Ambiguity: Check sentences to see if a pronoun could refer to more than one noun.
  • Ask the Question: “Who or what does this pronoun refer to?” If the answer is unclear, it indicates a vague reference.


  • Sentence: John told Mark that he was late.
    (Who is “he”? Is it John or Mark?)

  1. Multiple Antecedents: Using a pronoun when more than one noun is mentioned in the sentence.
  • Example: The dog and the cat were outside. It looked hungry. (Unclear whether “it” refers to the dog or cat.)
  1. Unclear Antecedents: When the antecedent (the noun the pronoun replaces) is not clearly defined.
  • Example: The project was successful, and it made a difference. (What does “it” refer to: the project or the success?)
  1. Distant Antecedents: When the pronoun refers to a noun that is far away in the text, making it harder to identify.
  • Example: Laura enjoys painting. The teacher praised her efforts, and this made her happy. (What does “this” refer to: the praise or the efforts?)

  • Be Specific: Replace vague pronouns with specific nouns to clarify meaning. Example:
  • Vague: The committee discussed their options.
  • Clear: The finance committee discussed their budget options.
  • Use Pronouns Wisely: Ensure that each pronoun has a clear antecedent and that the antecedent is close to the pronoun.


  • Vague: Jenny asked Samantha if she could help her with the project.
  • Clear: Jenny asked Samantha if Samantha could help her with the project.

  • Encourage students to practice revising sentences to eliminate vague pronoun references.

Example Sentences:

  1. The teacher told the student that they needed to study harder.
    (Unclear: “they” refers to which student?)
  2. When the children played, they had a great time.
    (Unclear: Which children? If it’s a specific group, name them.)

Let’s practice!🖊️