Use context to identify the meaning of a word
Key Notes:
Understanding Context Clues:
Definition Clues:
- Sometimes a sentence will include a direct definition of the word within the sentence itself.
- Example: “Arid, which means extremely dry, is a term often used to describe deserts.”
Synonym Clues:
- The sentence may use a synonym to help explain the unknown word.
- Example: “The student felt elated, or very happy, about his excellent grades.”
Antonym Clues:
- The sentence may use an antonym to provide a clue about the meaning of the word.
- Example: “Unlike his gregarious sister, he is quite introverted and prefers solitude.”
Example Clues:
- Examples given in the sentence can help deduce the meaning of an unfamiliar word.
- Example: “Celestial bodies, such as the sun, moon, and stars, are fascinating to study.”
Inference Clues:
- Sometimes you need to infer the meaning of a word from the overall context of the sentence or paragraph.
- Example: “After the long hike, he was famished and devoured his lunch in seconds.” (From the context, ‘famished’ means very hungry.)
Explanation Clues:
- The sentence or a nearby sentence provides an explanation for the word.
- Example: “The habitat of the polar bear is inhospitable, meaning it is very harsh and difficult to live in.”
Types of Context Clues:
- The word is defined directly and clearly in the sentence.
- Example: “The arboretum, a place where trees are grown and studied, is located downtown.”
- Understanding the meaning through comparison or contrast with other words in the sentence.
- Example: “He was as boisterous as a toddler, unlike his reserved older brother.”
Cause and Effect:
- Understanding the word by examining the cause and effect relationships in the sentence.
- Example: “Due to the inclement weather, the outdoor event was canceled.” (From ‘due to’ and ‘canceled’, we infer that ‘inclement’ means bad or severe.)
Strategies to Identify Context Clues:
Identify the Unknown Word:
- Locate the word in the sentence or paragraph.
Look for Clues Around the Word:
- Examine the words and sentences around the unknown word for hints.
Substitute and Test:
- Substitute a possible meaning into the sentence to see if it makes sense.
Re-read and Analyze:
- Re-read the sentence or passage and analyze it as a whole.
Use Prior Knowledge:
- Apply what you already know about the topic to make an educated guess about the word’s meaning.