1. Abundant – existing in large quantities; scarce – insufficient in quantity or number.
  2. Active – engaging or ready to engage in physically energetic pursuits; inactive – not engaging in or involving any physical activity.
  3. Admit – to confess to be true; deny – to state that something is not true.
  4. Apathy – lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern; enthusiasm – intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval.
  5. Ascend – to go up or climb; descend – to go down or lower.
  6. Brave – showing courage; cowardly – lacking courage.
  7. Calm – not showing or feeling nervousness, anger, or other emotions; agitated – feeling or appearing troubled or nervous.
  8. Conceal – to hide something; reveal – to make something known to others.
  9. Constant – occurring continuously over a period of time; occasional – happening infrequently or irregularly.
  10. Curious – eager to know or learn something; indifferent – having no particular interest or sympathy.
  11. Definite – clearly stated or decided; vague – lacking clarity or definite shape.
  12. Diligent – having or showing care and conscientiousness in one’s work or duties; negligent – failing to take proper care.
  13. Expensive – costing a lot of money; cheap – low in price.
  14. Faithful – loyal, constant, and steadfast; unfaithful – not loyal or true.
  15. Generous – showing kindness or willingness to give; stingy – unwilling to give or share.
  16. Humble – having or showing a modest or low estimate of one’s importance; arrogant – having an exaggerated sense of one’s own importance.
  17. Harsh – unpleasantly rough or jarring to the senses; gentle – mild in temperament or behavior.
  18. Honest – truthful and sincere; dishonest – not truthful or sincere.
  19. Independent – free from outside control; dependent – relying on others for support.
  20. Joyful – feeling, expressing, or causing great pleasure and happiness; sorrowful – feeling or showing grief.
  21. Leisurely – acting or done at leisure; hurried – done quickly, especially when stressed.
  22. Loud – producing a lot of noise; quiet – making little or no noise.
  23. Luminous – bright or shining; dull – lacking brightness or interest.
  24. Major – important, serious, or significant; minor – less important or significant.
  25. Mature – fully developed or grown; immature – not fully developed or grown.
  26. Optimistic – hopeful and confident about the future; pessimistic – tending to see the negative side of things.
  27. Orderly – neatly and methodically arranged; chaotic – in a state of complete disorder and confusion.
  28. Polite – having or showing behavior that is respectful and considerate; rude – offensively impolite or ill-mannered.
  29. Private – belonging to or for the use of one particular person or group; public – concerning the people as a whole.
  30. Rational – based on or in accordance with reason or logic; irrational – not logical or reasonable.
  31. Regular – occurring at uniform intervals; irregular – not even or uniform in pattern.
  32. Respectful – showing respect or deference; disrespectful – showing a lack of respect.
  33. Robust – strong and healthy; fragile – easily broken or damaged.
  34. Secure – fixed or fastened so as not to give way, become loose, or be lost; insecure – not fixed or certain.
  35. Serene – calm, peaceful, and untroubled; turbulent – characterized by conflict, disorder, or confusion.
  36. Shy – being reserved or having a lack of confidence; outgoing – socially confident and energetic.
  37. Similar – resembling without being identical; different – not alike in nature or qualities.
  38. Sincere – free from pretense or deceit; insincere – lacking genuine feelings or intentions.
  39. Steady – firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; unstable – not steady or secure.
  40. Subtle – so delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe; obvious – easily perceived or understood.
  41. Swift – happening quickly or promptly; slow – moving or operating at a low speed.
  42. Tactful – having or showing skill and sensitivity in dealing with others; tactless – lacking sensitivity or consideration.
  43. Tender – showing gentleness and concern; harsh – severe or cruel.
  44. Temporary – lasting for a limited period of time; permanent – lasting or intended to last indefinitely.
  45. Transparent – allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen; opaque – not able to be seen through.
  46. Valuable – worth a great deal of money or useful; worthless – having no value or use.
  47. Vigorous – strong, healthy, and full of energy; weak – lacking strength or energy.
  48. Voluntary – done by choice or free will; involuntary – done without conscious control.
  49. Wealthy – having a lot of money and possessions; poor – lacking sufficient money to live comfortably.
  50. Wise – having or showing experience, knowledge, and good judgment; foolish – lacking good sense or judgment.
  51. Agreeable – pleasant or pleasing; disagreeable – unpleasant or offensive.
  52. Ancient – very old; modern – relating to the present or recent times.
  53. Cherished – protect and care for someone lovingly; neglected – not receiving proper attention.
  54. Competent – having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully; incompetent – lacking the necessary skills.
  55. Distinct – recognizably different in nature from something else; similar – resembling without being identical.
  56. Elegant – pleasingly graceful and stylish; awkward – lacking grace or elegance.
  57. Frugal – sparing or economical with regard to money or food; extravagant – lacking restraint in spending money.
  58. Generous – willing to give more of something than is strictly necessary or expected; selfish – concerned primarily with one’s own interests.
  59. Honorable – deserving of respect or high regard; dishonorable – lacking honor or integrity.
  60. Innovative – featuring new methods; advanced and original; traditional – following established customs or practices.
  61. Logical – clear, sound reasoning; illogical – lacking sense or clear, sound reasoning.
  62. Lively – full of life and energy; dull – lacking interest or excitement.
  63. Mysterious – difficult or impossible to understand or explain; clear – easy to understand.
  64. Neat – arranged in an orderly, tidy way; messy – untidy or disordered.
  65. Polished – refined, sophisticated; unpolished – lacking refinement or sophistication.
  66. Precise – marked by exactness and accuracy of expression; imprecise – not exact or accurate.
  67. Reliable – consistently good in quality or performance; unreliable – not able to be relied upon.
  68. Sincere – genuine; insincere – not expressing genuine feelings.
  69. Spontaneous – performed or occurring as a result of a sudden inner impulse; planned – decided on or arranged in advance.
  70. Tolerant – showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behavior; intolerant – not willing to tolerate differences.
  71. Unusual – not habitually or commonly occurring; usual – habitually or commonly occurring.
  72. Vast – very large in size, amount, or extent; small – of limited size or amount.
  73. Witty – showing or characterized by quick and inventive verbal humor; dull – lacking in interest or excitement.
  74. Zealous – having or showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause; apathetic – showing or feeling no interest.
  75. Accurate – correct in all details; inaccurate – not correct or precise.
  76. Bold – showing courage or confidence; timid – showing a lack of courage or confidence.
  77. Confident – feeling or showing confidence in oneself; uncertain – not able to be relied upon or known.

Let’s practice!🖊️