Determine the meanings of words with Greek and Latin roots
Key Notes :
1. Introduction to Greek and Latin Roots:
- Greek and Latin Roots: Explain that many English words come from Greek and Latin roots, which can help in understanding the meanings of complex words.
- Roots vs. Prefixes/Suffixes: Clarify that roots form the base of a word, while prefixes and suffixes modify the meaning.
2. Common Greek Roots:
- Examples:
- “Bio” (life): Biology, Biography
- “Graph” (write): Autograph, Paragraph
- “Tele” (far): Telephone, Television
- “Phon” (sound): Symphony, Phonograph
3. Common Latin Roots:
- Examples:
- “Vid/Vis” (see): Video, Vision
- “Dict” (say): Dictate, Dictionary
- “Port” (carry): Transport, Portable
- “Scribe/Script” (write): Describe, Manuscript
4. Combining Roots with Prefixes and Suffixes:
- Example: The root “graph” (write) combined with the prefix “tele-” (far) forms “telephone” (a device for writing sound over long distances).
- Example: The root “bio” (life) combined with the suffix “-logy” (study of) forms “biology” (the study of life).
5. Strategies for Determining Meanings:
- Break Down the Word: Identify the root and any prefixes or suffixes. Analyze each part to infer the meaning.
- Example: “Photograph” = “Photo” (light) + “Graph” (write) = “A picture made with light.”
- Context Clues: Use the surrounding text to help understand the word.
- Word Families: Recognize related words that share the same root.
- Example: “Inspect,” “Prospect,” and “Spectator” all share the root “spect” (look).
6. Practice with Examples:
- Activity: Provide a list of words with Greek and Latin roots. Have students break down the words and match them with their meanings.
- Examples: “Hydraulic” (water + work), “Microscope” (small + view)
7. Creating New Words:
- Activity: Ask students to create new words using known roots and affixes. Then, guess their meanings based on the roots.
8. Review and Reinforcement:
- Review: Regularly revisit roots and their meanings.
- Games: Use word games or quizzes to make learning about roots engaging and memorable.
9. Application in Reading and Writing:
- Reading: Encourage students to identify roots in texts they read.
- Writing: Have students use their understanding of roots to create more precise and descriptive writing.
Let’s practice!
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