1. Unhappy – Not happy; sad or displeased.
  2. Uncertain – Not sure; unsure or doubtful.
  3. Unclear – Not easy to understand; ambiguous.
  4. Unkind – Not kind; mean or cruel.
  5. Unusual – Not common; rare or unique.
  6. Unfold – To open or reveal something gradually.
  7. Uncover – To remove a cover; to reveal something hidden.
  8. Unpredictable – Not able to be predicted; changeable.
  9. Unnecessary – Not needed; superfluous.
  10. Untidy – Not neat or organized; messy.
  11. Unstable – Not steady; prone to change or fail.
  12. Unreliable – Not able to be relied on; not dependable.
  13. Unacceptable – Not satisfactory; not acceptable.
  14. Unfortunate – Not lucky; unlucky or sad.
  15. Unfortunate – Not lucky; unlucky or regrettable.
  16. Unfashionable – Not in style; out of date.
  17. Unjust – Not fair or right; unjust.
  18. Uncertain – Not definite or sure.
  19. Unexplained – Not explained or clarified.
  20. Unfamiliar – Not known or recognized.
  1. Disagree – To have a different opinion; to not agree.
  2. Dislike – To not like something; to have an aversion to.
  3. Disappear – To cease to be visible or to vanish.
  4. Disconnect – To sever or interrupt a connection.
  5. Disapprove – To have a negative opinion; to not approve.
  6. Dishonest – Not truthful or honest; deceitful.
  7. Disorder – A state of confusion or lack of order.
  8. Disregard – To ignore or pay no attention to.
  9. Disrupt – To interrupt or disturb the normal operation.
  10. Disqualify – To declare ineligible; to prevent from participating.
  11. Disrespect – To show a lack of respect; rudeness.
  12. Dispute – A disagreement or argument.
  13. Dishearten – To cause a loss of hope or confidence.
  14. Disintegrate – To break apart into small pieces.
  15. Dissolve – To mix into a liquid or disappear.
  16. Disturb – To interrupt or interfere with.
  17. Displace – To move from its usual place or position.
  18. Distract – To divert attention away from something.
  19. Disclose – To make known; to reveal.
  20. Dismiss – To remove or send away; to reject.
  1. Inaccurate – Not correct or precise.
  2. Inactive – Not engaging in any activity; idle.
  3. Incomplete – Not finished or lacking some parts.
  4. Insecure – Not confident or assured; vulnerable.
  5. Indecisive – Unable to make decisions quickly.
  6. Ineffective – Not producing the desired result.
  7. Inappropriate – Not suitable or proper.
  8. Invisible – Unable to be seen.
  9. Inconsistent – Not compatible or in harmony.
  10. Injustice – Lack of fairness or justice.
  11. Inadequate – Not enough; insufficient.
  12. Indifferent – Having no particular interest or concern.
  13. Immature – Not fully developed or grown up.
  14. Inaccurate – Not correct or precise.
  15. Inaccessible – Not able to be reached or approached.
  16. Incredible – Difficult to believe; amazing.
  17. Involve – To include as a necessary part.
  18. Incorrect – Not correct; wrong.
  19. Incomplete – Not finished; lacking some parts.
  20. Invasion – The act of entering a place forcefully.
  1. Impossible – Not able to be done; not possible.
  2. Immortal – Not subject to death; living forever.
  3. Impatient – Not willing to wait; easily annoyed.
  4. Imperfect – Not perfect; having flaws.
  5. Imposter – Someone who pretends to be someone else.
  6. Impulsive – Acting without thinking; spontaneous.
  7. Immense – Extremely large or great.
  8. Impartial – Fair and not biased.
  9. Improvise – To create or perform spontaneously.
  10. Imitate – To copy someone or something.
  11. Immigrate – To move into a new country to live.
  12. Impede – To hinder or delay progress.
  13. Impure – Not pure; mixed with something else.
  14. Impetuous – Acting quickly without thought.
  15. Immediate – Happening or done without delay.
  16. Impractical – Not suitable or feasible.
  17. Impose – To force something unwelcome on others.
  18. Immense – Extremely large or vast.
  19. Impure – Contaminated or mixed with something else.
  20. Immobile – Not able to move.
  1. Nonfiction – Literature that is based on fact.
  2. Nonstop – Without any breaks or interruptions.
  3. Nonsense – Words or ideas that have no meaning or sense.
  4. Nonessential – Not absolutely necessary.
  5. Nontraditional – Not following traditional practices.
  6. Nonexistent – Not present or not real.
  7. Nonverbal – Not involving words; using gestures or expressions.
  8. Noncompliant – Not following rules or regulations.
  9. Nonprofit – Not aiming to make a profit; charitable.
  10. Nonchalant – Appearing calm and relaxed; not worried.
  11. Nonspecific – Not detailed or definite.
  12. Nonbinary – Not exclusively male or female.
  13. Nonessential – Not absolutely necessary.
  14. Nonmember – Not part of a group or organization.
  15. Nonexistent – Not real or not present.
  16. Nontraditional – Not following established customs.
  17. Nonrenewable – Not able to be replaced or restored.
  18. Nonconformist – Someone who does not conform to accepted standards.
  19. Nonfunctional – Not working or not serving a function.
  20. Nonviolent – Not involving violence.

Let’s practice!