1. Misbehave – To act out inappropriately or poorly.
  2. Misjudge – To form an incorrect opinion or estimate.
  3. Misplace – To put something in the wrong location.
  4. Misinform – To provide incorrect or misleading information.
  5. Misinterpret – To understand something incorrectly.
  6. Mislead – To guide someone in the wrong direction.
  7. Misread – To read something incorrectly.
  8. Mistake – An error or misunderstanding.
  9. Miscalculate – To make an error in computing or estimating.
  10. Mismanage – To handle something ineffectively or poorly.
  11. Misdirect – To send something or someone to the wrong place.
  12. Misunderstand – To fail to grasp the correct meaning.
  13. Misfortune – Bad luck or an unfortunate event.
  14. Misnomer – An incorrect or unsuitable name or term.
  15. Misplace – To lose track of where something is.
  16. Misstep – A wrong step or mistake.
  17. Misconstrue – To interpret something incorrectly.
  18. Misappropriate – To take something for one’s own use without permission.
  19. Mislead – To cause someone to believe something untrue.
  20. Miscommunication – Failure to communicate effectively.
  21. Misconception – A mistaken belief or idea.
  22. Misrepresent – To present information in a misleading way.
  23. Misuse – To use something in the wrong way.
  24. Misfit – Someone or something that does not fit in.
  25. Misapply – To use something incorrectly or inappropriately.
  26. Misdemeanor – A minor wrongdoing or criminal act.
  27. Misguided – Led astray or mistaken in one’s judgment.
  28. Misdirected – Sent to the wrong place or intended for the wrong purpose.
  29. Mismanage – To handle or supervise badly.
  30. Misspell – To spell a word incorrectly.
  31. Misreport – To give inaccurate information about an event or fact.
  32. Misjudge – To form a wrong opinion or estimate of.
  33. Misfit – A person who does not conform to the norms of society.
  34. Misconception – A misunderstanding or false idea.
  35. Misbehaviour – Poor or inappropriate conduct.
  36. Mislead – To deceive or lead in the wrong direction.
  37. Misapprehend – To misunderstand or misinterpret.
  38. Misquote – To quote someone incorrectly.
  39. Miscreate – To create something in a flawed or incorrect manner.
  40. Misdedication – Incorrect or wrong dedication.
  41. Misaddress – To address incorrectly.
  42. Misdiagnose – To identify a disease or condition incorrectly.
  43. Misapply – To apply something inappropriately.
  44. Misremember – To recall something inaccurately.
  45. Misconstrue – To interpret in the wrong way.
  46. Misjudgment – An error in judgment.
  47. Misguide – To direct someone in the wrong way.
  48. Misfortune – An unlucky event or circumstance.
  49. Miscreant – A person who behaves badly or criminally.
  50. Misplay – To play something incorrectly.
  51. Misalign – To arrange incorrectly.
  52. Miscalculate – To compute inaccurately.
  53. Misconception – An erroneous belief or opinion.
  54. Misprint – An error in printed text.
  55. Misdiagnosis – An incorrect identification of a disease or condition.
  56. Misstatement – An incorrect or false statement.
  57. Misleading – Causing someone to have a wrong impression.
  58. Misbehavior – Poor or improper conduct.
  59. Mismanage – To manage poorly.
  60. Misreading – Incorrectly reading something.
  61. Misperception – An incorrect understanding or interpretation.
  62. Misjudged – Evaluated incorrectly.
  63. Misappropriated – Wrongfully taken or used.
  64. Misdirected – Directed to the wrong place or purpose.
  65. Misinterpreted – Understood incorrectly.
  66. Misplace – To put something in the wrong spot.
  67. Misconstrued – Misunderstood.
  68. Misquoted – Quoted incorrectly.
  69. Misuse – Wrong or improper use.
  70. Misguided – Led astray.
  71. Misdemeanour – A minor wrongdoing.
  72. Misjudged – Mistakenly assessed.
  73. Misbehaved – Acted poorly.
  74. Misaddressed – Incorrectly addressed.
  75. Misdeed – A wrongful act.
  76. Misfit – A person who does not fit in.
  77. Misreported – Incorrectly reported.
  78. Misremembered – Incorrectly recalled.
  79. Misdirected – Sent in the wrong direction.
  80. Misrepresented – Presented incorrectly.
  81. Miscreant – A wrongdoer.
  82. Misguided – Incorrectly directed.
  83. Misreading – Wrongly interpreting text.
  84. Misinterpreted – Incorrectly understood.
  85. Misquoted – Quoted in a wrong way.
  86. Misconception – A mistaken belief.
  87. Misbehave – To act out inappropriately.
  88. Mismanage – To handle poorly.
  89. Miscalculate – To compute wrongly.
  90. Misplace – To lose by putting in the wrong place.
  91. Misidentify – To identify incorrectly.
  92. Misapply – To apply wrongly.
  93. Misrepresent – To portray falsely.
  94. Misuse – To use improperly.
  95. Misprint – A typographical error.
  96. Misjudge – To evaluate incorrectly.
  97. Misconstrue – To interpret wrongly.
  98. Mislead – To guide in the wrong direction.
  99. Misaddress – To address incorrectly.
  100. Misperceive – To perceive incorrectly.

Let’s practice!