Words with mis-

Key Notes:-

The prefix “mis-” typically means “wrong” or “incorrect.” It’s used to form words that describe actions or situations that have gone wrong or are incorrect in some way. Understanding this prefix can help students deduce the meanings of unfamiliar words.

  • Definition of Prefix: A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning.
  • Focus Prefix: Mis- is a common prefix that means “wrongly” or “badly.”
  • General Meaning: The prefix mis- implies that something is done incorrectly or in a mistaken manner.
  • Examples: Misunderstand, mistake, misbehave.
  • Prefix: “mis-“
  • Meaning: wrong, incorrect
  • Misunderstand: To interpret something wrongly.
  • Misbehave: To behave badly or incorrectly.
  • Mislead: To lead someone in the wrong direction or give them incorrect information.
  • Misplace: To put something in the wrong location and lose track of it.
  • Mistake: An action or judgment that is wrong or incorrect.
  • Misjudge: To form a wrong opinion or conclusion about something or someone.
  • Misinterpret: To understand or explain something incorrectly.
  • Misspell: To spell a word incorrectly.
  • Look for the prefix “mis-” at the beginning of a word.
  • Consider the root word that follows and how the prefix might change its meaning to something incorrect or wrong.
  • Adding Mis-: Attach mis- to the beginning of a base word to indicate that something is wrong or incorrect.
    • Mis + place = Misplace
    • Mis + understand = Misunderstand
  1. Misunderstand: I misunderstood the instructions and completed the wrong assignment.
  2. Misbehave: The students were warned not to misbehave during the assembly.
  3. Mislead: The advertisement was designed to mislead consumers into thinking the product was better than it actually was.
  4. Misplace: I tend to misplace my keys often and have trouble finding them.
  5. Mistake: It was a mistake to leave the door unlocked overnight.
  6. Misjudge: She misjudged the distance and ended up arriving late.
  7. Misinterpret: He misinterpreted her silence as disapproval.
  8. Misspell: It’s easy to misspell complex words if you’re not careful.

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