List of Words with sub-
- Submarine: A watercraft capable of independent operation underwater.
- Submerge: To put or sink below the surface of water or another liquid.
- Subsidize: To support financially; provide a grant or contribution.
- Substandard: Below the usual or required standard.
- Subdue: To bring under control by force.
- Subject: To bring under one’s control or jurisdiction.
- Subterranean: Existing, situated, or operating below the surface of the earth.
- Suburb: A residential area on the outskirts of a city or large town.
- Subsequent: Coming after something in time; following.
- Subtle: So delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
- Subordinate: Lower in rank or position.
- Subscription: A payment or agreement to receive a service or publication regularly.
- Subconscious: Of or concerning the part of the mind of which one is not fully aware but which influences one’s actions and feelings.
- Substitute: A person or thing acting or serving in place of another.
- Subtract: To take away a number or amount from another to calculate the difference.
- Subculture: A cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.
- Subdivision: The act of dividing something into smaller parts.
- Subcommittee: A committee composed of some members of a larger committee, board, or other body and reporting to it.
- Submission: The action of accepting or yielding to a superior force or to the will or authority of another person.
- Subpoena: A writ ordering a person to attend a court.
- Substantial: Of considerable importance, size, or worth.
- Subatomic: Smaller than or occurring within an atom.
- Subjugate: To bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.
- Subscription: The action of making or agreeing to make an advance payment in order to receive or participate in something.
- Subsonic: Relating to or flying at a speed less than that of sound.
- Subscript: A symbol written or printed below the line.
- Substation: A set of equipment reducing the high voltage of electrical power transmission to that suitable for supply to consumers.
- Subterfuge: Deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.
- Subtitle: Captions displayed at the bottom of a movie or television screen that translate or transcribe the dialogue or narrative.
- Subcutaneous: Situated or applied under the skin.
- Subversive: Seeking or intended to subvert an established system or institution.
- Subdue: Overcome, quieten, or bring under control (a feeling or person).
- Subcontinent: A large, distinguishable part of a continent.
- Substance: The real physical matter of which a person or thing consists.
- Submarine: A vessel that can be submerged and navigated under water.
- Submerge: To cause to be under water.
- Subcontract: Employ a business or person outside one’s company to do (work) as part of a larger project.
- Submerge: Completely cover or obscure.
- Suburban: Of or characteristic of a suburb.
- Substation: A subsidiary station in which electric current is transformed.
- Subterfuge: Deceit used in order to achieve one’s goal.
- Subtotal: The total of a part of a group or column of figures.
- Subvention: A grant of money, especially from a government.
- Subvert: Undermine the power and authority of (an established system or institution).
- Suburbia: The suburbs or their inhabitants viewed collectively.
- Submersible: Designed to be completely submerged or to operate while submerged.
- Subordinate: Treat or regard as of lesser importance than something else.
- Subnormal: Below the normal level.
- Subscription: An arrangement to receive something, typically a publication, regularly by paying in advance.
- Subordination: The action or state of subordinating or of being subordinate.
- Subcontinent: A large, distinguishable part of a continent, such as North America or southern Africa.
- Subversive: Intending to subvert, especially in an attempt to overthrow or undermine a legally constituted government.
- Subfloor: The foundation for a floor in a building.
- Subassembly: A unit assembled separately but designed to be incorporated with other units into a larger manufactured product.
- Subnuclear: Smaller than the atomic nucleus.
- Subtropical: Relating to the regions bordering the tropics.
- Subcontractor: A person or company hired by a general contractor to perform a specific task as part of the overall project.
- Subclavian: Relating to or denoting an artery or vein that serves the neck and arm on the left and right sides of the body.
- Substrate: A substance or layer that underlies something, or on which some process occurs.
- Subatomic: Smaller than or occurring within an atom.
- Subarctic: Of or relating to the region immediately south of the Arctic Circle.
- Submaximal: Less than maximal; not the greatest possible.
- Subnational: Relating to or denoting an area or group within a country.
- Subfield: A subdivision of a field of study.
- Suburbanite: A person who lives in a suburb.
- Subgenre: A subdivision of a genre of literature, music, film, etc.
- Submersible: A small underwater craft used for deep-sea research.
- Subsoil: The soil lying immediately under the surface soil.
- Subtherapeutic: Below the dosage levels used to treat diseases.
- Subinterval: A smaller interval within a larger interval.
- Subcommittee: A committee composed of members of a larger committee, board, or other body.
- Subsection: A division of a section.
- Subbase: A layer of material in a roadway or airfield pavement system.
- Subangular: Having somewhat angular edges.
- Subfield: A smaller, specialized field within a broader discipline.
- Sublethal: Not quite lethal; insufficient to cause death.
- Subdominant: The fourth tone of a diatonic scale.
- Subdomain: A domain that is part of a larger domain.
- Subprogram: A set of instructions that performs a specific task within a program.
- Suboptimal: Below the highest standard or quality.
- Subhuman: Below the human level, especially in intelligence or behavior.
- Subkingdom: A taxonomic category that ranks below kingdom and above phylum.
- Sublinear: Less than linear in relationship.
- Submatrix: A matrix formed from a larger matrix by selecting certain rows and columns.
- Subglacial: Beneath a glacier or ice sheet.
- Sublanguage: A specialized language used by a particular group or in a particular context.
- Subpopulation: A distinct group within a larger population.
- Subphylum: A taxonomic category that ranks below phylum and above class.
- Subfreezing: Below the freezing point.
- Subkingdom: A major category in the classification of organisms, ranking below kingdom.
- Submucosa: A layer of connective tissue beneath a mucous membrane.
- Submersion: The act of submerging or the state of being submerged.
- Substratum: An underlying layer or substance, especially a layer of rock or soil beneath the surface of the ground.
- Subvocal: Relating to the activity of pronouncing words silently or under one’s breath.
- Subcortical: Situated or occurring below the cortex of the brain.
- Subemployment: Employment below one’s level of qualification or ability.
- Subreption: The act of obtaining something by concealing facts or misrepresenting the truth.
- Subinfeudation: The granting of land by a vassal to a sub-vassal.
- Subdominant: The fourth note of the diatonic scale, or the chord built on this note.
- Subdural: Situated or occurring between the dura mater and the arachnoid membrane of the brain and spinal cord.
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