1. React – To respond to something.
  2. Reappear – To appear again.
  3. Rearrange – To arrange something again.
  4. Rebuild – To build again.
  5. Recall – To remember or bring back to mind.
  6. Receive – To be given or presented with something.
  7. Recycle – To convert waste into reusable material.
  8. Redo – To do something again.
  9. Refill – To fill something again.
  10. Reform – To make changes in order to improve something.
  11. Regain – To obtain possession or use of something again.
  12. Regenerate – To grow or cause something to grow again.
  13. Reheat – To heat again.
  14. Rejoin – To join again.
  15. Relate – To show or establish a connection between things.
  16. Relocate – To move to a new place.
  17. Remake – To make again.
  18. Remove – To take away.
  19. Renew – To begin again.
  20. Repair – To fix or mend something.
  21. Repeat – To say or do something again.
  22. Replace – To take the place of something.
  23. Replay – To play again.
  24. Report – To give a spoken or written account of something.
  25. Request – To ask for something.
  26. Rescue – To save someone from a dangerous situation.
  27. Research – To investigate or study something thoroughly.
  28. Resist – To withstand the action or effect of something.
  29. Resolve – To find a solution to a problem.
  30. Respect – To admire someone or something deeply.
  31. Respond – To reply or react to something.
  32. Restore – To bring back to the original condition.
  33. Restrict – To limit the actions or movement of something.
  34. Restructure – To organize something differently.
  35. Retake – To take something again.
  36. Retell – To tell a story again.
  37. Return – To go back to a place.
  38. Reuse – To use something again.
  39. Revamp – To give something a new and improved form.
  40. Reveal – To make known or show something that was hidden.
  41. Revenge – To inflict harm in return for a wrong done.
  42. Review – To examine or assess something again.
  43. Revise – To reconsider and change something.
  44. Revive – To bring back to life or consciousness.
  45. Revoke – To take back or cancel something.
  46. Rewind – To wind back to the beginning.
  47. Rewrite – To write something again.
  48. Reactivate – To make something active again.
  49. Realign – To change or restore the position of something.
  50. Reapply – To apply again.
  51. Reassess – To evaluate something again.
  52. Rebalance – To adjust the balance of something again.
  53. Reboot – To restart a computer or system.
  54. Rebound – To bounce back.
  55. Recheck – To check something again.
  56. Reclaim – To retrieve or recover something.
  57. Reconfirm – To confirm something again.
  58. Reconsider – To think about something again.
  59. Reconnect – To connect again.
  60. Reconstruct – To build or form something again.
  61. Record – To set down in writing or another form.
  62. Recreate – To make something anew.
  63. Redeem – To gain or regain possession of something.
  64. Redefine – To define again.
  65. Rediscover – To discover again.
  66. Redistribute – To distribute again.
  67. Redraw – To draw again.
  68. Refer – To direct to a source for information.
  69. Refinance – To provide new finance for something.
  70. Reflect – To throw back light or heat.
  71. Refund – To give back money.
  72. Refuse – To decline to accept.
  73. Regenerate – To regenerate again.
  74. Register – To enroll or record.
  75. Regulate – To control or maintain the rate or speed.
  76. Reimburse – To pay back money to someone.
  77. Reinforce – To strengthen or support.
  78. Reinstall – To install again.
  79. Reintroduce – To introduce again.
  80. Reinvest – To invest again.
  81. Rekindle – To relight or revive.
  82. Relinquish – To give up or surrender something.
  83. Remarry – To marry again.
  84. Renewal – To renew something.
  85. Reopen – To open again.
  86. Reorganize – To organize differently.
  87. Repay – To pay back.
  88. Replenish – To fill something up again.
  89. Reposition – To place in a different position.
  90. Repurpose – To adapt for a different purpose.
  91. Requalify – To qualify again.
  92. Requisition – To demand the use or supply of something.
  93. Reroute – To send along a different route.
  94. Reschedule – To schedule again.
  95. Resettle – To settle in a new place.
  96. Resign – To give up a job or position.
  97. Resound – To fill a place with sound.
  98. Resurface – To come back up to the surface.
  99. Retire – To leave one’s job and stop working.
  100. Retrieve – To get back.

Let’s practice!