Word Pattern Analogies

  1. Sun : Day :: Moon : Night
    • Definition: The relationship is that the Sun is associated with the Day and the Moon is associated with the Night.
  2. Teacher : Classroom :: Chef : Kitchen
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Teacher works in a Classroom and a Chef works in a Kitchen.
  3. Bird : Fly :: Fish : Swim
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Bird can Fly and a Fish can Swim.
  4. Book : Read :: Food : Eat
    • Definition: The relationship is that you Read a Book and you Eat Food.
  5. Tree : Leaf :: Flower : Petal
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Tree has Leaves and a Flower has Petals.
  6. Doctor : Medicine :: Lawyer : Law
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Doctor uses Medicine and a Lawyer uses Law.
  7. Pen : Write :: Brush : Paint
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Pen is used to Write and a Brush is used to Paint.
  8. Clock : Time :: Thermometer : Temperature
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Clock measures Time and a Thermometer measures Temperature.
  9. Foot : Shoe :: Hand : Glove
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Shoe covers a Foot and a Glove covers a Hand.
  10. Car : Drive :: Boat : Sail
    • Definition: The relationship is that you Drive a Car and you Sail a Boat.
  11. Student : School :: Patient : Hospital
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Student goes to School and a Patient goes to a Hospital.
  12. Winter : Cold :: Summer : Hot
    • Definition: The relationship is that Winter is associated with Cold and Summer is associated with Hot.
  13. Pencil : Eraser :: Knife : Sharpener
    • Definition: The relationship is that an Eraser removes Pencil marks and a Sharpener sharpens a Knife.
  14. Composer : Music :: Author : Book
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Composer creates Music and an Author writes a Book.
  15. Chef : Restaurant :: Farmer : Farm
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Chef works in a Restaurant and a Farmer works on a Farm.
  16. King : Kingdom :: President : Country
    • Definition: The relationship is that a King rules a Kingdom and a President leads a Country.
  17. Rainbow : Colors :: Snow : White
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Rainbow has Colors and Snow is White.
  18. Guitar : Musician :: Brush : Artist
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Musician plays a Guitar and an Artist uses a Brush.
  19. Library : Books :: Museum : Art
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Library has Books and a Museum has Art.
  20. Teacher : Educate :: Coach : Train
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Teacher Educates students and a Coach Trains athletes.
  21. Train : Track :: Airplane : Runway
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Train runs on a Track and an Airplane takes off on a Runway.
  22. Ship : Sail :: Car : Drive
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Ship sails on water and a Car drives on roads.
  23. Chair : Sit :: Bed : Sleep
    • Definition: The relationship is that you Sit on a Chair and Sleep on a Bed.
  24. Author : Write :: Actor : Perform
    • Definition: The relationship is that an Author writes and an Actor performs.
  25. Sunrise : Morning :: Sunset : Evening
    • Definition: The relationship is that Sunrise happens in the Morning and Sunset happens in the Evening.
  26. Ice : Cold :: Fire : Hot
    • Definition: The relationship is that Ice is Cold and Fire is Hot.
  27. Pen : Ink :: Pencil : Lead
    • Definition: The relationship is that Ink is in a Pen and Lead is in a Pencil.
  28. Antique : Old :: Novel : New
    • Definition: The relationship is that an Antique is Old and a Novel is New.
  29. Planet : Solar System :: Star : Galaxy
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Planet is part of the Solar System and a Star is part of a Galaxy.
  30. Cook : Recipe :: Painter : Canvas
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Cook uses a Recipe and a Painter uses a Canvas.
  31. Summer : Hot :: Winter : Cold
    • Definition: The relationship is that Summer is Hot and Winter is Cold.
  32. Writers : Books :: Builders : Houses
    • Definition: The relationship is that Writers create Books and Builders create Houses.
  33. Basketball : Court :: Football : Field
    • Definition: The relationship is that Basketball is played on a Court and Football is played on a Field.
  34. Sun : Bright :: Moon : Dim
    • Definition: The relationship is that the Sun is Bright and the Moon is Dim.
  35. Cow : Milk :: Chicken : Eggs
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Cow produces Milk and a Chicken produces Eggs.
  36. Rain : Umbrella :: Sun : Sunglasses
    • Definition: The relationship is that an Umbrella is used in the Rain and Sunglasses are used in the Sun.
  37. Tree : Forest :: Fish : Aquarium
    • Definition: The relationship is that Trees are in a Forest and Fish are in an Aquarium.
  38. Courage : Brave :: Fear : Afraid
    • Definition: The relationship is that Courage makes you Brave and Fear makes you Afraid.
  39. Dentist : Teeth :: Mechanic : Car
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Dentist works on Teeth and a Mechanic works on Cars.
  40. Film : Movie :: Novel : Book
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Film is a type of Movie and a Novel is a type of Book.
  41. Bee : Honey :: Cow : Milk
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Bee produces Honey and a Cow produces Milk.
  42. Cook : Food :: Sculptor : Statue
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Cook makes Food and a Sculptor creates a Statue.
  43. Heart : Love :: Brain : Thought
    • Definition: The relationship is that the Heart symbolizes Love and the Brain represents Thought.
  44. Highway : Cars :: Sidewalk : Pedestrians
    • Definition: The relationship is that Cars travel on a Highway and Pedestrians walk on a Sidewalk.
  45. Shark : Ocean :: Lion : Jungle
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Shark lives in the Ocean and a Lion lives in the Jungle.
  46. Shoe : Walk :: Bicycle : Ride
    • Definition: The relationship is that you Walk in a Shoe and you Ride a Bicycle.
  47. Scissors : Cut :: Hammer : Hammer
    • Definition: The relationship is that Scissors are used to Cut and a Hammer is used to Hammer.
  48. Phone : Call :: Computer : Email
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Phone is used to Call and a Computer is used for Email.
  49. Ocean : Fish :: Sky : Birds
    • Definition: The relationship is that Fish live in the Ocean and Birds live in the Sky.
  50. Crow : Caw :: Dog : Bark
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Crow makes a Caw sound and a Dog makes a Bark sound.
  51. Caterpillar : Butterfly :: Tadpole : Frog
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Caterpillar transforms into a Butterfly and a Tadpole transforms into a Frog.
  52. Music : Melody :: Dance : Rhythm
    • Definition: The relationship is that Music has a Melody and Dance has a Rhythm.
  53. Artist : Paint :: Author : Write
    • Definition: The relationship is that an Artist Paints and an Author Writes.
  54. Nurse : Hospital :: Teacher : School
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Nurse works in a Hospital and a Teacher works in a School.
  55. Lion : Roar :: Dog : Bark
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Lion Roars and a Dog Barks.
  56. Key : Unlock :: Pen : Write
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Key is used to Unlock and a Pen is used to Write.
  57. Summer : Vacation :: January : Winter
    • Definition: The relationship is that Summer is a time for Vacation and January is a time for Winter.
  58. Day : Light :: Night : Dark
    • Definition: The relationship is that Day is associated with Light and Night is associated with Darkness.
  59. Sun : Warm :: Ice : Cool
    • Definition: The relationship is that the Sun is Warm and Ice is Cool.
  60. Writer : Books :: Scientist : Experiments
    • Definition: The relationship is that a Writer writes Books and a Scientist conducts Experiments.