Decide whether ellipses are used appropriately

Key Notes:

  • An ellipsis is a set of three dots (…) used to indicate the omission of words or phrases in a sentence. It can also suggest a pause or unfinished thought.

  • To create suspense or imply a continuation of thought.
  • To shorten quotes by removing unnecessary parts while retaining the original meaning.

  • In Dialogue: Use ellipses to show hesitation or a trailing off in speech.
    • Example: “I was thinking… maybe we should go now.”
  • Omitting Text in Quotes: When quoting a longer passage, ellipses can indicate where text has been omitted.
    • Example: “The results… were not what we expected.”
  • Implying Uncertainty or Incompleteness: Use ellipses to show that the thought is not fully formed or concluded.
    • Example: “I just don’t know…”

  • Overuse: Using too many ellipses can make writing seem disjointed or confusing. Use them sparingly.
  • Confusion: If ellipses change the meaning of a sentence or make it unclear, they should be avoided.
    • Example: “She said she would… later.” (Can confuse the reader about when she would arrive.)
  • In Formal Writing: Avoid ellipses in formal essays or reports, as they may appear unprofessional.

  • When using ellipses at the end of a sentence, be sure to follow with the appropriate punctuation.
    • Example: “I thought I saw something strange… but it was nothing.”
  • If the ellipsis comes in the middle of a sentence, the surrounding punctuation should remain intact.
    • Example: “The weather… seems unpredictable this time of year.”

let’s practice! 🖊️

Read this text.

Space Invaders, an arcade game imported from Japan, is now considered one of the most influential video games of all time.

‘Space Invaders . . . considered one of the most influential video games of all time.’


#1. Is this an appropriate use of an ellipsis?


Read this text.

In 1842, Czar Nicholas I hired George Washington Whistler—an American builder, draftsman, engineer, and soldier—to build the Moscow–St. Petersburg railway.

‘In 1842, Czar Nicholas I hired George Washington Whistler . . . to build the Moscow–St. Petersburg railway.’


#1. Is this an appropriate use of an ellipsis?


Read this text.

Fufu is a staple Ghanaian food made from the pulp of cassava and plantain mashed together and served in a bowl of spicy soup.

‘Fufu is a staple Ghanaian food . . . served in a bowl of spicy soup.’


#1. Is this an appropriate use of an ellipsis?


Read this text.

The Titanic wreckage was surveyed by Alvin, which is the oldest and most well-known deep-sea research vehicle.

‘The Titanic wreckage . . . is the oldest and most well-known deep-sea research vehicle.’


#1. Is this an appropriate use of an ellipsis?


Read this text.

The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a phenomenon associated with fluctuating ocean temperatures in the Pacific Ocean. The warm phase of the cycle results in increased precipitation in parts of South America.

‘The El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) is a phenomenon associated with fluctuating ocean temperatures . . . in parts of South America.’


#1. Is this an appropriate use of an ellipsis?
