Commas with non-restrictive elements

Key Notes:

  • Non-Restrictive Elements: These are phrases or clauses that provide additional information about a noun but do not limit or define it. If removed, the sentence still makes sense.

  1. Comma Placement: Non-restrictive elements are set off by commas. For example:
    • Correct: The book, which was published last year, is on the shelf.
    • Incorrect: The book which was published last year is on the shelf.
  2. Identifying Non-Restrictive Elements: Look for phrases that provide extra information:
    • Example: My sister, who lives in New York, is visiting next week.
    • Removing the non-restrictive element: My sister is visiting next week.

  1. Non-Restrictive Clauses: These often begin with words like “which” or “who”:
    • Example: The car, which is red, belongs to my neighbor.
  2. Appositives: A noun or noun phrase that renames another noun:
    • Example: My dog, a golden retriever, loves to play fetch.

  • Clarification: They help clarify and enrich sentences without changing the core meaning.
  • Flow: They contribute to the flow and readability of writing.


  1. The movie, which won several awards, was a huge success.
  2. The painting, created by a local artist, is displayed in the gallery.

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