Identify and correct errors with subject-verb agreement
Key Notes:
- Subject-verb agreement means that the subject of a sentence and the verb must agree in number (singular or plural).
Basic Rules:
- Singular subjects take singular verbs:
- Example: The dog barks. (not bark)
- Plural subjects take plural verbs:
- Example: The dogs bark.
Compound Subjects:
When two or more singular subjects are joined by “and,” they require a plural verb:
- Example: Tom and Jerry are friends.
If the subjects are joined by “or” or “nor,” the verb agrees with the subject closer to it:
- Example: Neither the teacher nor the students were late.
Indefinite Pronouns:
- Some indefinite pronouns (e.g., everyone, anyone, each, neither) are always singular and take singular verbs:
- Example: Everyone loves pizza.
- Others (e.g., few, many, several) are plural and take plural verbs:
- Example: Many were chosen for the team.
Collective Nouns:
- Collective nouns (e.g., team, group, committee) may be singular or plural depending on the context:
- Singular: The team wins its games.
- Plural: The team are wearing their new jerseys.
Titles and Amounts:
- Titles of books, movies, or organizations take singular verbs:
- Example: The Great Gatsby is a classic.
- Amounts of money, time, or distance are considered singular:
- Example: Five dollars is too much.
Correcting Errors:
- To identify errors, look for mismatched subjects and verbs in sentences.
- Rewrite the sentence to ensure subject and verb agreement.
Practice Exercises:
- Provide sentences with intentional subject-verb agreement errors for students to correct.
- Example: The list of items are on the table. (Correct: The list of items is on the table.)
let’s practice!🖊️