Which text is most formal?

Key Notes :

Informal writing is typically used in casual situations or when communicating with someone you know well. Informal language often expresses familiarity and tends to sound more like speech. It uses more conversational language, such as slang, idioms, abbreviations, imprecise language, and contractions.

Formal writing is typically used in academic and business writing or when writing directly to an authority figure. It tends to be more courteous and impersonal, avoiding overly familiar or conversational language.

Compare the following sentences.

Informal: Yeah, ostriches can’t fly, but I think they’re awesome.

More formal: Ostriches may be flightless, but they’re remarkable runners.

Most formal: Though flightless, ostriches are remarkable runners.

Learn with an example

👉 Which order confirmation is more formal?

  • Thanks for shopping with us. We’ll let you know ASAP when your item has shipped.
  • Thank you for shopping with us. We will send a confirmation as soon as your item has shipped.

The second order confirmation is more formal. It uses more elevated language (confirmation). The other order confirmation uses contractions (we’ll) and abbreviations (ASAP) and sounds more conversational.

👉 Which announcement is more formal?

  • The law firm is so happy to tell you . . .
  • The law firm is pleased to announce . . .

The second announcement is more formal. It uses more elevated language (pleased to announce). The other announcement sounds more conversational (so happy).

👉 Which letter closing is more formal?

  • Best regards,
  • Cheers,

The first letter closing is more formal. The other letter closing is more casual and suggests a familiarity with the person being written to.

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