Steps to Convert Repeating Decimals to Fractions
Example: Convert 0.3‾ to a Fraction
Set Up an Equation:
- Let x=0.3‾
- This means x=0.3333
Multiply by 10 (or a power of 10) to Shift the Decimal Point:
- Multiply both sides of the equation by 10 to shift the decimal point one place to the right.
- 10x = 3.3333..
Subtract the Original Equation from the New Equation:
- Subtract the original x from 10x to eliminate the repeating part.
- 10x−x=3.3333… − 0.3333…
- 9x=3.
Solve for x:
- x= 3⁄9
- Simplify the fraction.
- x= 1⁄3
- So, 0.3‾= 1⁄3
Example: Convert 0.8̅1 to a Fraction
Set Up an Equation:
- Let x=0.8̅1
- This means x=0.818181…
Multiply by 100 (to Shift the Decimal Two Places):
- Multiply both sides of the equation by 100 to shift the decimal two places to the right.
- 100x = 81.818181…
Subtract the Original Equation from the New Equation:
- Subtract the original x from 100x to eliminate the repeating part.
- 100x−x = 81.818181…−0.818181…
- 99x=81.
Solve for x:
- x = 81⁄99
- Simplify the fraction.
- x = 9⁄11
so, 0.8̅1 = 9⁄11
General Formula
For a repeating decimal 0.a̅
- x= 0.a̅
- Multiply by 10ⁿ where n is the number of repeating digits.
- Subtract the original equation from the new equation.
- Solve for x and simplify.
For a repeating decimal with a non-repeating part (e.g., 0.1̅6):
Set Up an Equation:
- Let x = 0.1̅6
Multiply by a Power of 10 to Shift the Decimal Past the Non-Repeating Part:
- Multiply both sides by 10: 10x =1.6̅
- Multiply both sides by 100 to shift past the repeating part: 100x=16.6‾
Subtract the Two Equations to Isolate the Repeating Part:
- 100x−10x=16.6‾−1.6‾.
- 90x=15.
Solve for x:
- x = 15⁄90
- Simplify: x=15⁄90
- x = 1⁄6
So, 0.16‾=1⁄6
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